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Cybersecurity and IT Make Sense Now

Concerned about cybersecurity? Technology woes getting you down?

Throw off your problems, modernize your technology, and strengthen your security. Defend your island with our Kahuna Shield protection. Tech Kahunas is your San Diego IT support and cybersecurity guardian.

Read about our services

How Prepared are you For Cybercrime And Ransomware?

0 %
Of Cyber Attacks Target Small Businesses
0 %
Of Cybersecurity Breaches Are Due to Human Error
0 %
Of Confidential Files & Folders Are Properly Protected
0 %
Of Malware is Delivered Through Email
0 %
Of Small Businesses Have No Disaster Recovery Plan In Place
Wield thE

Kahuna Shield

With a KahunaVision technology assessment you’ll put yourself ahead of competitors
while learning how to implement Kahuna Shield protection.

1 OutsourcingOutsource with your kahuna
Upgrade with our Kahunas. We'll take your concerns (and problems) so you can do what you do best.

2 ModernizationModernize with your kahuna
Throw away that old tech! Take advantage of artificial intelligence, cloud apps, and fortified backups.

3 CybersecurityStrengthen with your kahuna
Don't understand cybersecurity? Strengthen your IT systems with your personal Tech Kahuna.

4 ComplianceComply with your kahuna
Compliance is boring--but many businesses still need to do it! We'll help you with that, too.

ask Yourself

• Am I prepared for a cyberattack?

• Are hackers and malware in my network already?

• What are my critical applications and other assets?

• When was the last time my backups were checked?

• Do I have a disaster recovery plan?

• Is my current IT provider slow or unresponsive?

• Is my network always going down?

• Am I paying too much for IT services?

• Have I outgrown my current IT provider?

Testimonials from our customers
Tech Kahunas EBOOK

Want to know what cybersecurity is all about?

Download Tech Kahunas’ FREE eBook to learn why you need Kahuna Shield. The Business Owner’s Guide to Cybersecurity tells you the state of cybersecurity, the companies that didn’t make it, and where the road can lead you in 2024 and beyond.

Wield the Kahuna SHIELD

Join Forces With Us

Drop the tech confusion and schedule a strategy session with Tech Kahunas. Learn how you can upgrade your tech and defend your digital island.

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Your Frequently Asked Questions

A cyber attack happens every 39 seconds. While some attacks–through software purchased on the dark web–are automated and/or unsuccessful, you have to be prepared. Today an average 10,000 cyber-attacks take place each day against SMBs and organizations.
An unsuccessful attack, called a cybersecurity incident, should be a warning. Hackers may come back and try again. And when an incident becomes a successful ‘attack’ (businesses firewall has been breached, data leaked or lost), the costs can be debilitating for the small to medium business or organization. The 2023 average cost of a data breach was over $4.45 million. Sixty percent of the entities attacked go out of business within 6 months.
A cyber threat is the possibility of an attack.
A cyber risk is an estimate of the possible losses associated with the threat. For instance, compromise of private health information (PHI) is a cyber threat for healthcare-related businesses. The associated cyber risk is the probability that a data compromise will occur and that there will be lost revenues due to downtime and damage to reputation.

A firewall sits between a local computer or network and the Internet. Its access lists filter inbound and outbound traffic according to rules an admin or user sets. Firewalls are not 100% effective however. They must be checked often and cybersecurity providers may do penetration testing to determine their effectiveness.

Business email compromise (BEC) that results in wire transfer fraud and ransomware are the two most prevalent (and critical) threats facing SMBs and organizations.

With BEC, attackers gain access to email servers at a business and monitor all traffic to gather personal information. After spending some time (perhaps months) to learn the ins and outs of the business’ finances, they compromise a payment using the personal information they found. This relies on deception regarding account numbers and transfers.

Ransomware is malware (malicious software) that involves compromise of a network, encryption of the organization’s operating systems and data, and subsequent demand of a ransom to decrypt the systems and data. The threat actors usually ask victims for payment (ranging from the hundreds to millions of dollars) using cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin. Convincing phishing emails are one of the means of attack (vectors) that ransomware begins with. Ransomware criminals now rely on impressive services such as 24/7 tech support and trained negotiators. Unprotected backups are frequently targeted and recovery then becomes more difficult.

With over 90% of cyberattacks being due to user error, education for employees and partners can help to prevent attacks. Training should be regular and will create greater cyber awareness at your organization. It will also help minimize internal threats. One such area for education is for dealing with phishing emails. With 85% of all email being spam (i.e. marketing or malware), user training to recognize and avoid clicking is of utmost importance. Part of “cyber hygiene” involves safe practices while web browsing, emailing, texting, or other online communication.
Cloud services are flexible, scalable and less expensive, but their data, user credentials, and login technologies can also be compromised.
Mobile device attacks are also increasing, mainly through infected apps, compromised WiFi hotspots and also SIM swap attacks.

Symptoms include:
Computer crashes and blue screens
Slow computer performance (could be adware or spyware)
Increased network traffic
Missing files/system files
Low or no storage available
Browser popups or extensions you do not recognize
Disabled malware protection
Unexpected behavior

Get a free KahunaVision Technology Assessment and you will learn how our 24/7 monitoring for your SMB or organization will enable you to deal with security incidents in a timely manner.

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